Day 93

Hello from rain soaked Romania!

We’re camped in Bucharest, well south of the flooded areas. People here respond amazingly to any attempt to speak their language. It’s like hitting the best friends button. If they know you’re from California though, conversation veers to amazement you’d come here from there.

Flew in from London a few days ago. My overwhelming impression of the Brit capitol is energy. It buzzes with rebuilding, upgrades and modernization. Smart planning in evidence everywhere, especially transportation.

British food has either improved, or we’ve gotten smarter about where to go and what to order. Had a great time with daughter Christina for a few days before she flew home. Saw The Play That Goes Wrong in Covent Garden. Funniest thing I’ve seen on the stage since Spamalot.

This month’s Best Sign in the UK Award, (London Pub entrance category):
“Hand me the booze and watch me get fabulous!”

On the road poker (London): Durnerin £97/ Aspers 888 Poker Room £11. Turns out I was merely a transfer agent, dropping about the same amount in a Russian Mafia joint here in Bucharest. They spanked me and sent me home!!

With Cookie home for son Brett’s wedding last month, I hit some historical spots: Plymouth, Hastings and Dover.

In the southern English hamlet of St. Margaret’s Cliffe, bussing it from my airbnb to Dover Castle, I rode with the village idiot. Please understand “idiot” in a traditional medical sense. Not the perjorative.

“Mum” puts him on the bus with a daylong pass as a treat. He sits in a top deck front seat with his juicebox, happily drooling, waving to the sheep and singing along with whatever the music on his air pods.

Locals and drivers all know him. At the end of day, when they see his Mum at the bus stop, they help him off. I doubt he suspects anything amiss in his condition. In fact he looks quite pleased with himself! Job well done!!

Mindful of our children and grandchildren’s health, I send a big grateful shout-out to whichever Buddha, God, or Allah calls the shots around here.

Mike + Cookie