one year ago…

Cookie and I boarded the Celebrity Reflection in Fort Lauderdale to embark upon our European Odyssey. After 15 days leisurely crossing the Atlantic, visiting the Canary Islands, three ports in Spain, and Corsica, we landed in Rome. Following roughly five week explorations each of Italy, England, Romania and Croatia, we came to Portugal.

It was nearly six months of pulling up stakes every week/month or so and moving to a new city or country. It was clearly time pick a place to linger awhile. Portugal has been perfect: friendly people, interesting food, great wine and terrific public transportation, among other goodies. We have taken a 3 year lease on a lovely apartment in Vila Nova de Gaia across the bridge from city of Porto. We enjoy beautiful views of the River Duoro and Porto.

We have become quite versed with visa limits in the EU: 90 days per country. Then it’s time to leave for another 180 days before returning). No problem for the casual 2 or 3 week-at-a-time tourísticas, but it’s a major headache for extended travelers like us. Ever eager to avoid hassles, we have applied to the Portuguese Consulate for a temporary residence visa. When granted, we will be free to move around the EU like citizens.

Over and above other native charms, Portugal is the perfect jump-off spot to explore other countries in Europe, the Med and North Africa. Travel inside Europe is relatively easy and affordable. We seriously intend to make the most of of our time here!

Best Travel Partner Ever! 
I have been asked how our relationship has fared under the demands of months of non-stop travel. Cookie and I came up with a device that works really well to avoid the squabbling that can result from a relationship under pressure. We arbitrarily decided anything that ‘happened’ on odd numbered days was all her fault, no matter what. I took blame for whatever calamities occurred on the even days, NMW.

It worked splendidly until her birthday came around on an odd numbered date. [It usually does…] Can you believe she actually expected a fault-free day of grace? We had a terrible fuss!

No – Seriously, the reason it works so well is how appropriately it holds up to ridicule all the petty little non-issues that couples often bedevil each other with.

Uber Survival Guide:
I usually find chatting with Uber drivers interesting, informative and fun. One cautionary I’ve learned the hard way is not to presume too heavily on their command of the English language. They have stock words and phrases they say, in different languages, over and over every day. However, some questions can be disastrous. I have learned that asking about some nearby town or how to pronounce the name of a place on a passing highway sign can cause confusion. I have occasionally found myself on the way to an unintended destination. Always an adventure!

All the very best,

Mike & Cookie Durnerin