The view from lockdown in Portugal

I assure you it’s just as boring here as it is where you are. Quiet, orderly streets. Fares for nearly deserted busses and metro cars are suspended. You ride free, if you need to. Portuguese social security is shoring up most peoples’ incomes.

Grocery stores remain orderly: small groups of masked & gloved customers at-a-time. Similarly equipped cashiers wiping down their stations with sanitizer every few checkouts. Shelves remain well-stocked, with few unessential exceptions.

Eye contact appears now mostly on the down-low. And clerks are noticeably more enthusiastic about helping you, if you wear a face mask.

I suspect the recent long weekend ban on movement between towns, was more aimed at avoiding the annual tidal wave of Easter holiday Spaniards, than anything else.

Here, in our 8th week of distanciamento social, isolation from family and friends is growing noticeable. Except for having to cancel a lot of well made plans, we’d be in California right now.

Sure, FaceTime, Skype and Zoom cover a lot of the bases. I’ve even joined my Orange County poker pals for a couple of tournaments online. Even so, virtual laughter just doesn’t pack the same punch as cracking up in person with the people you care most about.

Today our local authorities announced a gradual lessoning of the shelter-in-place orders. If case numbers spike, they caution, the more stringent measures will be reimposed.

Right now we’re hoping this fall we’ll be able to make good on plans to visit California.

All the very best!

Stay healthy!
– Mike + Cookie Durnerin